Category: Trivia

  • 2019 End-of-Year Trivia

    Every year, Talia and I have a tradition of creating a quiz for family and friends, testing their recollection of world news, entertainment, sports, technology, and current-affairs over the past 12 months.

    Here’s the Trivia questions for 2019. There’s a link to the answers (and the 2018 quiz) below.


    Who won the 2019 Australian Open Men’s Singles?


    Name the actor, film, and character who won the Best Actor Oscar at the 91st Academy Awards.


    In the wake of New Zealand’s deadliest ever mass shootings, Jacinda Arden wore what as a sign of solidarity?


    A massive fire tore through which famous 850-year-old landmark, nearly destroying it beyond repair?


    Named by Time magazine as a “next generation leader”, who was featured on the Time May cover?


    Samsung cancelled the release of their new Galaxy phone, after multiple review units were found to be defective and easily damaged. Which feature, unique to this phone, caused these problems?


    Which national team won the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup?


    Felix Kjellberg became the first ever YouTuber to pass 100 million subscribers. Kjellberg is more commonly known online under what moniker?


    Hurricane Dorian was one of the most powerful tropical cyclones to ever strike which region of the Americas?


    Police used a water cannon to spray a mosque with blue dye, in retaliation against protestors. Where did this happen?


    A TV character named “The Child” took the world by storm after being introduced on a new television show. What name is “The Child” more commonly known as?


    President Trump became the third president in history to achieve which political status?

    How well do you remember 2018?

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