One Word at a Time

Hi Readers,

It’s been a while since I’ve written here! Actually, I’ve been writing nearly every day. I’ve started work on a novel – I’m around 20,000 words in. Aiming for 80—100k words, which is quite a lot.

Writing a novel has been great for me. I’ve always harboured a secret desire to write fiction. When I was a kid, I loved writing stories, and would win all sorts of awards for them. As an adult, I became more self-conscious about spending time in any sort of fantasy world – like it was an immature or childish act.

For me, beginning to write a science fiction novel was an act of overcoming fear. Exposure therapy – one word at a time.

I’m still nervous about sharing my work publicly, even though I know that there will come a time when I’ll have to be actively promoting it! Just think, at some point I’ll have to ask my friends and family, and even you, dear reader, to buy my book! Gosh, just the thought of that makes me feel ill.

In other news, I’ve started a new job. I’m now at WP Engine, Product Manager for the Genesis suite. There’s been some stressful moments as I’ve onboarded, but mostly things are sailing smoothly.

Block Lab is being forked and rebranded as a Genesis product. It’s a great outcome. It means I’ll be able to focus on it full time from here on out.

I got some film developed yesterday. It was water damaged, so it didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped. But it got me thinking that I haven’t really shared my photography much on this blog. Maybe I’ll post one photo a month, for a while. It could be a neat way of warming up to sharing other types of creative work with you in the future.

Chat soon,


